What is a Family Resource Centre?
A Family Resource Centre is a supportive space where young children from prenatal to age 5 and their parents and caregivers can connect, learn and grow together in a safe and welcoming space.
You can play with your child, meet people and get advice from early childhood professionals.
Who Can Come to the Family Resource Centre?
All families are welcome! This includes new parents, caregivers, single parents, low income families, Indigenous families, children with varying abilities, and new Canadians.
What Can Families Do at the Centre?
The Centre provides groups, events and services related to our four program pillars:
-early learning
-family wellness
-parent education
-referrals and community information sharing
Other Centres in Saskatchewan
Early Years Family Resource Centres can be found in the following communities in Saskatchewan:
Battlefords -Prince Albert
Estevan -Regina
Humboldt -Sandy bay
Lloydminster - Swift Current
Meadow Lake & District - Weyburn
Moose Jaw -Yorkton
Nipawin -Martensville/Warman
La Ronge -Kindersley
Île-à-la-Crosse -Tisdale
Early Years Family Resource Centre Guiding Principles
From the beginning of life, families nurture the capacities that children need to be successful in life. At the Early Years Family Resource Centre, we have the unique opportunity to play an important role as a partner along the way.
The Early Years Family Resource Centre is a place where you – children, parents and caregivers – are our priority. The following principles guide our Centre and how it operates in our community:
All families with children prenatal to age 5 are welcome every day in every way in a safe, accessible, sensitive environment, at no cost to families.
We provide credible programs, resources and services to help families be healthy, well and connected.
Our focus is on the early years, a critical period of brain development. As a child's first and most important teacher, parents and caregivers are the best people to choose appropriate programs for their family's journey.
We lead with our ears. We respect and act on what families say, providing programs based on best practice and community data.
Children and caregivers are partners as they play and explore together, building brains and capacity one on one. Centres support children to learn and grow and caregivers to be the best they can be.
We respect the values, beliefs, traditions and cultures of all families and commit to growing our understanding and awareness of those we serve.
Community partners work together to build strong relationships with families for the benefit of children.